The phenomenon of preterm birth is a growing prevalence in Uganda. In a previous《The Icons》Isabelle Furaha, Founder of the Mama Tulia organization, tells us the intention of establishing her organization is to give the preterm babies a good chance to survive and live like normal children.
Isabelle says local medical care centers need more support and awareness in the care of preterm babies. Many mothers feel afraid of premature babies, but all of this can be avoided with more awareness. In this report, Isabelle will tell us how to increase the chances of giving birth to a healthy baby.
Living in fear of Giving birth to another preterm baby.
“In addition to helping parents understand preemies, we also teach them how to prevent premature births.”
With the shortage of medical resources and no known single cause of preterm birth, the big question then is , how to prevent it?
“Indeed there are many factors that can lead to preterm birth, the fact that Uganda has a shortage of medical resources, makes it more difficult to recognize it or completely avoid it. However, we can still mitigate against the risk factors we are aware of.”
Isabelle indicated that the Mama Tulia has done a lot of research and found that some bad conventions in Uganda society which greatly contribute directly lead to the birth of preemies, such as forced under age marriage, defilementrape, early sexual activity especially in teenagers, poor personal or physical health, stress, drug abuse or misuse,marriage among others.and other phenomena abound. These unhealthy reproductive conditions are some one of the reasons for premature birth, others include are poor personal and physical health, stress, drugs, etc.; Mama Tulia works to the organization integrated some preventions measures targeting for women intending to get pregnant and pregnant mothers to mitigate against these risks, eliminate these conditions.

Path make a difference is an uphill task
The goal of the Mama Tulia organization is obvious, but the path is rugged. Faced with many mothers and children who at times are abandoned by the society, the government, and even their spouses or immediate family. Although Isabelle wants to help everyone, the organization lacks funds for the demand; even though people admire what they have done, very few of them are willing to lend a helping hand.
Isabelle says that there are many unfortunate women and children in this world who need attention and support. For those mothers and preterm babies she could not save, she said “We can’t save everyone, but I will try my best to reach as many as I can.”
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