According to《Half of The SDGs? President of Taiwan Lung Meng Advanced Composite Materials CO., LTD, Henry Liang: Best of The Sustainability》,President of Taiwan Lung Meng Advanced Composite Materials CO., LTD, Henry Liang, mentioned that stone paper accounts for 8 of the 17 UN sustainable goals (SDGs), and introduce to the readers of 《The Icons》.
Papermaking consumption ranks fifth and third in the United States and Canada respectively, which means the advanced countries still rely heavily on nature for it. In today’s report, Henry will let us know stone paper is not only environmentally friendly, but also affects more levels.

Afraid of running out of stones?
“Every resource can be exhausted, won’t stone paper have any impact on natural resources?” The reporter of 《The Icons》 asked.
“Although our product is called stone paper, its main material is calcium carbonate.”
Henry mentioned that calcium carbonate is an easy-to-obtain material, which can basically be found from minerals, rocks, and even organisms, and has a high reusability.
“We collect lots of waste, cracked marble or other resources, and refine them into stone powder to make durable and environmentally friendly stone paper. Isn’t it great?”
“In the beginning, we made plastic bags with stone powder and other materials to reduce the use of plastic, reduce costs and protect the environment. Later, due to competition in the industry, we transformed into making stone paper. After that, we can protect nature better.”
Henry appealed to everyone “It is not difficult to do environmental protection. The main thing is are you willing to do it or not. Our home depends on us to protect it.”
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