According to the previous report《Solution for Supply Chain Disruption! Exec of Dun & Bradstreet Michelle Sun: Strengthen The Supply Chain Is Crucial!》Michelle Sun, ESG expert of Dun & Bradstreet, proposed a method to repair the interrupted supply chain.
In response to the UN’s 2050 Net Zero, many countries have begun to implement their own carbon reduction policies. For example, the US Clean Competition Act (CCA) will be ushered in 2024, and the follow up EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in 2027. In the meanwhile, ESG receives more attention. Then, how can companies that do not understand ESG survive? Michelle will give us the answer today through “The Icons”.

Three steps, one stop
The awareness of carbon reduction has caught many corporations unfamiliar with ESG by surprise. How to calculate carbon emissions? How to reduce carbon? What parts can be improved? Ignorance will only create more losses.
Michelle said that it only takes three steps to implement ESG, which can not only keep up with net zero, but also avoid additional losses.
“The first step is to understand your own company before implementing ESG; hire experts or consultants to analyze the crucial points and progress in ESG, and explore the capabilities for environmental damage and compensation.”
Michelle believes that the first condition is to understand one’s own industry, and then the second step can be carried out, CFV, grasping the carbon emission status of enterprises, and providing them with reduction targets and related information.
“The last step is credibility; to be in line with internationality, it is necessary to endorse the company through an accreditation agency for the ESG certification.”
At the end, Michelle mentioned that Dun & Bradstreet provides companies with ESG one-stop solutions, so that entrepreneurs who do not know how to implement ESG can easily reduce carbon emissions while protecting the environment and the future.
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