According to the previous report《Growth of Population Triggers Food Crisis! Helenna Ariesty, Ex-Co-Founder of AgriT: Farming Technology Solves Famine》Helenna Ariesty, ESG Consultant, talked about the benefits of Aeroponics.
As entrepreneurs and various industries become more aware of ESG and SDGs, the benefits brought by sustainable development have become an incentive for companies to transform. Helenna shared the secret to ESG transformation in today’s 《The Icons》.
ESG transformation
“Many corporations have ingrained sustainability into the very core of their business strategy and operations, recognizing it as crucial for their ability to survive over time, but it seems like they’re still confused about the transformation of ESG.”
To Helenna, the rise of sustainability issues has led more companies to follow the ESG. However, launching a sustainability company does not come without challenges. With the wide array of reporting frameworks, different methodologies for ratings, variety of ESG-related data sources, different investor lenses, and the variety of investment vehicles labeled sustainable, it will be important to anchor definitions to the underlying data, financial material impacts, and the value creation for the entire ecosystem.
“Implementing ESG doesn’t mean being a charity, it is about quantifying the non-financial aspects of the company to gain insights on how it is managed and how resilient it is to outside forces. In addition, ESG takes into consideration the external engagement that supports the overall health and growth of the entity, especially over the long term.”
There are many facets and layers required for the development of a company that is organized for ESG. It starts at the board level with the culture, mission, and KPIs that are measured and rewarded throughout the organization. Thus, having the same target is the main goal for everyone in the company.
“The best way to implement ESG is to establish goals and measure the progress of the entire organization, partners, suppliers, etc., sound internal and external communication, and maintain good cooperation.”
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