NCKU has achieved first place among Taiwan universities and 33rd worldwide in the 2022 THE Impact Rankings, which evaluate universities’ impacts on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
With rankings in the top 100 global universities for over two-thirds of the 17 SDGs-aspects, NCKU has stood out, including ranking 5th worldwide for SDGs9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, and 8th worldwide for SDGs7 Affordable and Clean Energy. Additionally, the university ranked first among Taiwan universities in four areas, including SDGs6 Clean Water and Sanitation and SDGs17 Partnerships for the Goals.
“Our efforts are focused on examining the standards in all aspects, both inside and outside the university, to determine whether we can provide solutions to the challenges encountered in human survival and development.” Dr. Huey-Jen Su said, “These aspects include talent cultivation, academic research, technology research and development, and social influence. Each scene within all faculties requires specific standards that can be concretely checked and have long-term effects.”

Dr. Huey-Jen Su recently spoke with《The Icons》in an interview about her ideas on how NCKU is making an effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of quality education.
“Today, I will be discussing positioning, which involves the placement of an object or idea for desired outcomes. Understanding this concept is crucial, particularly when taking on educational responsibility, as it has practical implications.”
According to Dr. Su, one of the critical points in promoting quality education is to inspire students to anchor their future scenarios. This means that students need to have a clear vision of their future goals and aspirations. By doing so, they can connect to the world and find out what they can do to contribute to society.
“In order to foster sustainable education, it is crucial for students to develop the ability to envision their role and contribution in the future world. They must ask themselves: What will the world be like? What roles will they play? How can they make a meaningful contribution?”
Dr. Su emphasized that promoting quality education relies on providing students with a holistic learning experience. This entails the development of not only academic, social, emotional, and ethical intelligence but also a comprehensive understanding of the world. Such an approach helps students position themselves better in the world and prepare for their future.
“When we look at students, what we are seeing is not just the present, but the long-term future. Similarly, we should view universities in the same manner.”