Continuing an Eternal Legacy: The Driving Force Behind the Chiung Yao Literary Retrospective – Jessie Ho
The renowned writer Chiung Yao passed away in December 2024, sending shockwaves across the world. International media outlets such as...
紐約大學藝術學院(Tisch School of Arts)電影研究所(Cinema Studies)畢業,2003年至2014年於北美《世界日報》撰作「百老匯」每週專欄,2006年起任教於上海戲劇學院、上海音樂學院。2017年起於IC之音竹科廣播策劃、主持《臺灣電影筆記》節目,三度入圍廣播金鐘獎,並於2018年獲頒最佳藝術文化節目主持人獎。
The renowned writer Chiung Yao passed away in December 2024, sending shockwaves across the world. International media outlets such as...
Back in an era without the concept of an “artistic universe,” Chiung Yao meticulously crafted an entire IP universe, word...
The passing of renowned author Chiung Yao on December 4, 2024, sent shockwaves through the global Chinese-speaking community, leaving countless...
In the early spring, young artist CrazyMeow is checking the paintings inside the glass showcase to maintain the exquisite appearance...
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